Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 13
Chairperson: Michael Mann
EGU2009-1688 Towards Understanding Patterns of Climate Change in Past Centuries M.E. Mann, R.S. Bradley, E. Crespin, H. Goosse, M.K. Hughes, S. Rutherford, D. Shindell, and Z. Zhang
EGU2009-3689 Precipitation Maxima and Upwelling Trends at the NAO Southern Pole during the Last Millenium F. Abrantes, T. Rodrigues, B. Montanari, C. Santos, A. Voelker, and C. Lopes
EGU2009-1838 A dynamically consistent reconstruction of surface temperature changes during the last 600 years based on climate model simulations using data assimilation.
H. Goosse, E. Crespin, M.E. Mann, H. Renssen, and A. Timmermann
EGU2009-2168 Role of external forcing on a seasonal reconstruction of European temperatures
G. Hegerl and J. Luterbacher
EGU2009-11388 Comparison of climate model simulated and observed borehole temperature profiles
J. F. Gonzalez-Rouco, M. B. Stevens, H. Beltrami, H. Goosse, V. Rath, E. Zorita, and J. Smerdon
EGU2009-10834 Impacts of Volcanic Aerosol Forcing on the ENSO Cycle G. Stenchikov, T. Delworth, R. Stouffer, and A. Wittenberg
EGU2009-2624 Robustness of Well-Verified, Spatially-Explicit High Resolution Climate Reconstructions: Characterization of Issues and Potential for Their Resolution ER Wahl, KJ Anchukaitis, and D Frank
EGU2009-2960 Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Surface Climate to Millennial Solar Forcing M. Latif and W. Park
EGU2009-4043 Ensemble simulations of the Last Millennium using an Earth System Model including an interactive carbon cycle J. Jungclaus and the COMSIMM
EGU2009-6344 Beyond the tropical Pacific: Medieval climate dynamics and the role of Indian Ocean SSTs N. Graham, C. Ammann, and D. Fleitmann
EGU2009-8392 A coral-based reconstruction of Atlantic sea surface temperature trends and variability since 1552 C. Saenger, A. L. Cohen, D. W. Oppo, and J. Carilli
EGU2009-3966 Seasonal climate variability in Medieval Europe (1000 to 1499)
C. Pfister