Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Low-temperature thermochronology: advances and applications (co-sponsored by EAG)

Low-temperature mineral thermochronometers have been used for many years to decipher the history of rock cooling in response to large-scale tectonic processes. The development of new thermochronometers and improved procedures of established techniques are providing information on ever shorter timescales relevant to the study of how tectonic and climatic processes have shaped landscape. Combining these techniques with numerical surface process models is allowing the details of topographic development in a variety of tectonic settings to be unraveled. This session seeks to bring together researchers who are developing low temperature thermochronometry and numerical model techniques in an effort to address how, and at what rate, landscape has evolved and determine the principle controls.