EGU2010-4269 MetBaro - Pressure Device for Mars MetNet Lander Harri Haukka, Jouni Polkko, Ari-Matti Harri, Walter Schmidt, Jussi Leinonen, Maria Genzer, and Teemu Mäkinen
EGU2010-4275 MetHumi - Humidity Device for Mars MetNet Lander Maria Genzer, Jouni Polkko, Ari-Matti Harri, Walter Schmidt, Jussi Leinonen, Teemu Mäkinen, and Harri Haukka
EGU2010-13330 Development of miniaturized instrumentation for Planetary Exploration and its application to the Mars MetNet Precursor Mission Hector Guerrero and the Hector Guerrero
EGU2010-4985 Comparison of Phoenix Meteorological Data with Viking Data Using Model MLAM Walter Schmidt, Ari-Matti Harri, Janne Kauhanen, Sini Merikallio, and Hannu Savijärvi
EGU2010-12521 A permittivity probe instrument developed for the Martian surface Günter Kargl and Alexander Stiegler
EGU2010-13795 Using Infrared Laser Heterodyne Radiometry to Search for Methane in the Atmosphere of Mars Richard Passmore, Neil Bowles, Damien Weidmann, and Kevin Smith
EGU2010-1732 Time Resolved Raman and Fluorescence Spectrometer for Planetary Mineralogy Jordana Blacksberg and George Rossman
EGU2010-10851 Local Surface Reconstruction from MER images using Stereo Workstation Dongjoe Shin and Jan-Peter Muller and the ProVisG Scientific
EGU2010-9823 The ExoMars PanCam Instrument Andrew Griffiths, Andrew Coates, Jan-Peter Muller, Ralf Jaumann, Jean-Luc Josset, Gerhard Paar, and David Barnes
Options for the Mascot Asteroid Lander Camera(withdrawn) Andrew Griffiths and Andrew Coates
EGU2010-11241 A Microseismometer for Penetrometer Deployment in the Jupiter System William Pike, Ian Standley, Werner Karl, Aifric Delahunty, and Simon Calcutt
EGU2010-10589 Acoustic measurements of atmospheric electrical discharges for planetary probes H. Eichelberger, G. Prattes, K. Schwingenschuh, G. Jaffer, Ö. Aydogar, I. Jernej, B. Besser, M. Stachel, T. Tokano, and P. Falkner
EGU2010-7051 A miniature laser-ablation time-of-flight mass spectrometer for sub-ppm analysis of planetary surfaces Marek Tulej, Maria Iakovleva, and Peter Wurz
EGU2010-11603 Ptolemy Operations in Anticipation of the Flyby of Asteroid 21 Lutetia Dan Andrews, Andrew Morse, Ian Wright, Simeon Barber, Geraint Morgan, Simon Sheridan, Mark Leese, Colin Pillinger, and John Zarnecki
EGU2010-7879 Particle-In-Cell Modeling and Analysis of an Electric Antenna for the BepiColombo/MMO spacecraft Yohei Miyake, Hideyuki Usui, and Hirotsugu Kojima
EGU2010-5695 Small sensor probe for monitoring the space electromagnetic environments by the application of the miniaturized plasma wave receiver Hirotsugu Kojima, Hajime Fukuhara, Satoshi Okada, Satoshi Yagitani, Hirokazu Ikeda, Yohei Miyake, Hideyuki Usui, Hiroshi Yamakawa, and Yoshikatsu Ueda
EGU2010-2163 Combined sensor for electromagnetic measurements in space Vira Pronenko, Nickolay Ivchenko, and Valery Yelizarov
EGU2010-2349 Microsatellite Digital Magnetometer SMILE - Present State and Future Trends Serhiy Belyayev and Nickolay Ivchenko