Records of excursions and reversals : geomagnetic significance and reliability of datings.
Convener: Roman Leonhardt  | Co-Convener: Maxwell Brown 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 03 May, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Since almost a century ago, paleomagnetic studies on ancient rocks are devoted to investigate variations of the Earth’s magnetic field throughout its geological history. An increasing amount of high-precision paleomagnetic data accompanied by more precise age determinations provide a continually improving picture of the regional and global geomagnetic field evolution. It has been shown that the Earth's magnetic field flipped its polarity frequently. In between those geomagnetic field reversals the magnetic field is essentially characterized by an axial dipole. However, even during these periods rapid and large departures from typical field behavior have been documented, known as excursions. Understanding the nature of such geomagnetic reversals and excursions can provide insights into mechanisms of the geodynamo. Furthermore, in some cases, such events can be used as chronostratigraphic markers of the geological history. Even a causal relationship between geomagnetic events and climate variation has been controversially discussed. Major obstacles in further progress on our understanding of reversals and excursions come from spatial variations of transitional and excursional behavior, uncertainties in age determination, and ambiguities of the recording process. We solicit contributions on paleomagnetic records and interpretations of geomagnetic reversals and excursions. Contributions on age determinations, the paleomagnetic recording process and its particular significance for transitional observations, as well as estimates of magnetic field variations from non-magnetic sources like cosmogenic isotopes are also encouraged.

Related event: PSD89 – MPRG10
Mon, 03 May, 09:00–09:45  / Room 37