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Marine-based ice sheets
Convener: Karin Andreassen  | Co-Conveners: Alan Hubbard , Monica Winsborrow , Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand 

There is currently considerable concern over the stability of the marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet and its potential contribution to future sea level changes. To improve predictions of its response, research focused on improving understanding of how such ice sheets operate, and the processes which initiate and control their retreat is a priority. Areas of particular interest are the stability of marine-based ice streams, subglacial processes and sediments, numerical ice sheet modelling and grounding line modelling. We invite submissions relating to observations and modelling of present-day marine-based ice sheets, reconstructions and modelling of former marine-based ice sheets and observations and modelling of submarine-grounded sectors on non-marine ice sheets with reverse bed slopes. Solicited speakers are: 1. David Pollard,; 2. Colm O'Cofaigh, colm.o'