

[Short Course] Laser-based Isotope Ratio Analyzers: From the User Perspective (co-organized)
Convener: Erik Kerstel 
Thu, 07 Apr, 14:30–19:00  / Room 25

In recent years optical stable isotope ratio analyzers, and in particular those based on robust and sensitive near-infrared laser technology, have seen a tremendous increase in end-user acceptance. These instruments, with their promise of low cost of acquisition and operation (less frequent calibration, no consumables) and the potential to be operated in the field (all in contrast to the conventional method of isotope ratio mass spectrometry), have seen their way into the laboratories of many researchers in a wide variety of disciplines, also beyond the traditional specialist isotope labs. In this Short Course we will take a critical look at these developments from the end-user perspective. What is needed to successfully operate these instruments in order to obtain reliable data? Where are the pitfalls? The Short Course is organized around relatively short, but focused presentations by experienced users of laser analyzers from Aerodyne Research, Campbell Scientific, Los Gatos, and Picarro. There will be contributions from:
• Erik Kerstel (UJF Grenoble)
• Eric Pili (CEA, Paris)
• Nickolas Brüggemann (FZ Jülich)
• Patrick Sturm (ETH Zurich)
• Manfred Groening (IAEA)
• Lisa Wingate (Cambridge)
• Daniela Polag (MPI Mainz)
• Bela Tuzson (EMPA)
• Brent Newman (IAEA)
• Peter Werle (KIT)
Applications range from rock permeation studies, biosphere atmosphere exchange fluxes, respiratory fluxes at natural abundance or after pulse labeling of trees, seasonal ecosystem signals and liquid water analysis, to isotope ratio calibration issues, system specifications and other tips and tricks. A significant fraction of the time is reserved for questions and discussions with the audience.

The SC2 (IG16) is scheduled for Thursday afternoon, April 7, 14:30 until 18:00 in Room 25 (95 seats).

Expressions of interest are highly appreciated but not mandatory. Please send an email to one of the conveners (erik.kerstel (at) or peter.werle (at) Attendance is free of charge.

Public information: Note deviating starting time (14:30)!