

Convener: Sid-Ali Ouadfeul  | Co-Convener: Leila Aliouane 
 / Mon, 04 Apr, 13:30–14:15  / Room 37

During these last years fractal analysis is being a very popular tool and many earth physics phenomena are established using the fractal and multifractal techniques.
Many earth observations have a fractal or multifractal behaviors, for that we need to more understand the old and the new fractal analysis techniques, the goal is to establish the earth physical responses that have these behaviors.
The objective of this session is to demonstrate the utility of fractal and multifractal analysis in the study of physical phenomena of the earth. This can help in the earth exploration and study.
We invite any contributions that use the fractal or the multifractal analysis in the study of the earth physics, for example: well-logging, geomagnetic signal, and seismology

Related event: NP3.3 – Fractal and multifractal analysis and their applications in solid earth geoscience
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 05 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Display Tue, 05 Apr, 08:00–19:30  / Halls X/Y
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD12