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Anthropogenic seismicity and seismic hazard: methods, observations and modeling (co-organized)
Convener: Simone Cesca  | Co-Conveners: Beata Orlecka-Sikora , Sergey Turuntaev 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 27
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Seismicity at different spatial scales can be induced and triggered by several anthropogenic activities and pose risks for the population, workers and infrastructures. Reservoir exploitation and mining, as well as fluid injection and removal and other technological processes that disturb the equilibrium of rockmass may induce or accelerate the occurrence of seismic events, from microseismicity locally detected, to moderate seismicity recordable at regional distances. The hazards associated with such earthquakes are still poorly predictable and controllable. In order to achieve the desired level of control, the mechanism of these kind phenomena must be understood. Monitoring of seismicity, fracturing process, stress perturbations and fluid transport properties is thus of primary interest. This session, promoted by the THAIS group and the MINE project, aims to better understand seismicity patterns resulting as a consequence of different man activities, and discuss recent developments concerning methods, observation, monitoring, modeling and inversion of seismicity and microseismicity induced by mining, hydrocarbon exploitation, waste storage/disposal at depth and other human operations.
We invite contributions concerning the observation, analysis and modeling of human induced and triggered seismicity at different spatial and temporal scales, as well as multidisciplinary studies combining different data and observations to monitor fracturing and fluid transfer processes. Studies focusing on assessment and mitigation the seismic hazard are of particular interest, as well as those meaning to help in the hazard evaluating focusing on approaches to determine the origin of seismicity, its source characteristics, its relation to other natural phenomena and human activities, and on the discrimination between natural, triggered and induced seismicity.