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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Advances in earthquake source imaging for studying active faults (co-organized)
Convener: Henriette Sudhaus  | Co-Conveners: P. Martin Mai , Alessio Piatanesi 

Earthquake sources are studied using a variety of seismic data and surface deformation measurements, such as GPS and InSAR, to learn about characteristics of active faults and fault systems. Since each data set has its strength and limitations in imaging specific source properties, a common approach is to combine different data sets into a single inversion. But how robust are these source models? And what are the resulting uncertainties? This session is dedicated to studies that aim at advancing earthquake source imaging techniques to obtain more robust rupture models that are desired to provide a better basis for interpretation of earthquakes with respect to the causative faults and the tectonic systems. We solicit contributions that provide avenues to quantify model uncertainties. Contributions that discuss how to optimally combine independent data sets (e.g. seismic and geodetic data) are particularly welcomed. We encourage presentations that discuss new/improved/innovative approaches in source imaging with respect to established methods, and/or that compare results using different inversion strategies and different data sets. Within this frame our session provides a forum to discuss methods used in case studies on recent significant earthquakes, such as the 2009 L'Aquila, the 2010 Chile and Haiti, the 2011 Tohoku-oki and the 2010-2011 New Zealand earthquakes.