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Visualization, Imaging and Mapping in Modern Structural Geology and Tectonics
Convener: Ulrike Exner  | Co-Convener: Giorgio Pennacchioni 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 10:30–12:15  / Room 20
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Hall A

Conventional geological datasets used to build 3D geometrical models are usually deduced from geophysical measurements, e.g. reflection seismic, ground penetrating radar or seismic tomography. Within the last decades, these techniques have become standard for many commercial applications, especially for mineral or hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir modelling. Clearly, the creation of 3D models of geological features such as folds or faults facilitates their interpretation and further permits the generation of mechanical or hydrological models, and prediction of reservoir properties.
A multitude of complementary techniques have been developed in the recent years, which provide 3D data sets of geological objects using surface and volume scanning methods. Laser scanning (airborne, terrestrial or desktop scanners) of surface morphology, point cloud data generated from digital images, high precision digital mapping of structural features using differential GPS technology, or computed tomography down to (or even below) a few microns of spatial resolution are increasingly employed for structural investigations, and use an equally variable range of processing techniques and software packages.
In this session, we invite contributions from all structural geologists who create 3D geometrical models across the range of scales, that will enable us to demonstrate the great variability and wide range of applications, analytical techniques and possible limitations of 3D models in structural geology.