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Paleoclimates records in continental archives
Convener: Nathalie Fagel  | Co-Conveners: Marie-France Loutre , Sophie Verheyden 
 / Fri, 12 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / 13:30–15:00  / Room Y8
 / Attendance Thu, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Yellow Posters

Among paleoclimate archives, lakes, peatbogs and speleothems constitute powerful sedimentary archives of the continental environment over different time-scales. Both the biotic and abiotic sedimentary components may be used to track environmental changes. Lacustrine sediments are especially sensitive to any change in the watershed. Peatbogs and speleothems record past changes in hydrology, temperature or in pollutants. Information on climate, landscape and ecosystem changes can be provided throughout the Quaternary. Moreover, transfer function and calibration of datasets may provide quantitative information on these past variations. However assessment of climate events in any record requests to decipher between a climate, tectonic/geological or anthropic-derived changes. For this session we invite oral and poster contributions that evidence continental climatic and environmental variations from all kind, in particular lacustrine sediments, speleothems and peatbogs. We invite presentations dealing with new approaches to retrieve quantitative reconstructions. Studies trying to disentangle the natural and human induced changes are particularly welcomed.

Public information: This session, focused on paleoclimate signal in continental archives, is co-sponsored by the European Association of Geochemistry.