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Division Meeting for Ocean Sciences (OS)
Conveners: Bernard Barnier , Peter Brandt 
Thu, 11 Apr, 12:15–13:15  / Room Y4

Public information: Agenda of the 2013 Ocean Science Division Meeting.

The following items are proposed for discussion.

Item 1: Short description of the European Geosciences Union and of the role of the OS Division Office in the Union.
Item 2: Information regarding the Ocean Science Journal will be provided by the main editors.
Item 3: OS Division. The organisation of the OS Division in 2013 will be presented. Main changes are:
The new president elect, Peter Brandt, will take up the post of President in replacement of Bernard Barnier who’s term ends at this general assembly.
One member of the Fridtjof Nansen Medal Committee will be renewed: Will de Ruijter will be replaced by Jochem Marotzke. This change will be submitted to the assembly for approval.
Item 4: Outstanding Student Poster competition. The two winners of the 2012 OSP competition will receive their award. The procedure to judge posters will be reminded and discussed with the assembly for improvements.
Item 5: Division OYS award. The 2013 winner will be presented. Information regarding nominations for the 2014 award will be reminded to the assembly.
Item 6: Fridtjof Nansen Medal. Information regarding nominations for the 2014 award will be reminded to the assembly.
Item 7: 2013 General Assembly. The assembly will be asked to provide comments regarding the 2013 meeting and its organization.
Item 8: Other issues. Issues brought up by the assembly during the meeting or sent to the OS Division officers before the meeting will be discussed.