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Tuesday, 9 Apr

EGU2013-12663 | SSP3.1Late Pleistocene and Holocene paleoclimate and alpine glacier fluctuations recorded by high-resolution grain-size data from an alpine lake sediment core, Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA
P. Thompson Davis, Björn Machalett, and John Gosse
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 14:07–14:10, Oral, Room PICO Spot 5
EGU2013-14121 | SSP3.1Dust radiative forcing impacts on mountain snowmelt: growing our understanding from in situ and airborne/spaceborne remote sensing measurements
Thomas H. Painter, Ann C. Bryant, Jeffrey S. Deems, Felix C. Seidel, and S. McKenzie Skiles
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 15:30–15:45, Oral, Room B13
EGU2013-1155 | SSP3.1Meltwater pathways and grain size transformation in a Pleistocene Mediterranean glacial-fluvial system
Kathryn Adamson, Jamie Woodward, and Philip Hughes
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 15:45–16:00, Oral, Room B13
EGU2013-6043 | SSP3.1Annually resolved grain-size distributions in varved sediments using image analysis - application to Paleoclimatology
Pierre Francus, François Lapointe, and Scott Lamoureux
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 16:00–16:15, Oral, Room B13
EGU2013-12887 | SSP3.1Sediment transport from the shallow to the deeper shelf by tropical cyclones: an example of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh.
Hermann Kudrass, Bjoern Machalett, and Inka Meyer
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 16:30–16:45, Oral, Room B13
EGU2013-981 | SSP3.1Grain-size and grain-shape analyses using digital imaging technology: Application to the fluvial formation of the Ngandong paleoanthropological site in Central Java, Indonesia
Maija Sipola
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 16:45–17:00, Oral, Room B13

Thursday, 11 Apr

EGU2013-6286 | SSP1.2Late Triassic palynology in the Alpine and Arctic realm: a review of palynofloral trends and their stratigraphic correlations
Wolfram Kuerschner, Luke Mander, Steven Mueller, and Micha Ruhl
Thu, 11 Apr 2013, 10:30–10:45, Oral, Room B11
EGU2013-12916 | SSP1.2Ocean anoxia and large igneous provinces
Micha Ruhl, Christian J. Bjerrum, Donald E. Canfield, Christoph Korte, Lars Stemmerik, and Robert Frei
Thu, 11 Apr 2013, 11:00–11:15, Oral, Room B11