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Integrated Research Infrastructures and Services to users: supporting excellence in a science for society (co-organized)
Convener: Massimo Cocco  | Co-Conveners: Walter Schmidt , Stefano Nativi 
 / Thu, 01 May, 08:30–10:15
 / Attendance Thu, 01 May, 17:30–19:00
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD12.3 

The goal of this session is to discuss the integration of existing data infrastructures and data services to specific communities in order to build the integrated multidisciplinary services for different users and stakeholders. Although the session is promoted by the European Plate Observing System (EPOS), we look for contributions from scientific fields complementary to solid Earth science, such as marine and space sciences, ICT, HPC and e-science in order to share strategies and visions to tackle the technological challenges and the scientific missions. The session aims at emphasizing the importance of global data infrastructures and, for this reason, contributions from key international initiatives are welcome.
We encourage the presentation of integration plans and initiatives, including metadata standards for interoperation, dedicated to create thematic core services from those scientific communities that share the mission for creating integrated, multidisciplinary services to users. The discussion on the relationship to large-scale e-infrastructures is also encouraged.
A particular attention is given to the efforts needed to provide access to stakeholders not belonging to the scientific community as well as to disseminate data products of relevance for the societal challenges like geo-hazards and geo-resources. We plan to promote a stimulating discussion and a debate on the challenge of creating federated data services within and across the communities.