SSS7.3 Soil rock fragments. Effect on soil physical properties (co-organized) |
Convener: Antonio Jordán | Co-Conveners: Jean Poesen , Lorena M. Zavala , Emilia Urbanek |
Traditionally, soil properties and processes have been studied in terms of the fine earth fraction (clay, silt and sand) and much less attention has been devoted to the effects of coarse particles and rock fragments. However, during the last two decades, researchers have made great efforts to study the effects of rock fragments on soil properties. Rock fragments are present in soil as a result of soil forming processes and human activities. Soils with a high proportion of rock fragments are relatively frequent in some areas, as the Mediterranean basin.
Soil scientists have studied the impact of rock fragments on soil physical properties (e.g., aggregation, consistency, porosity, soil temperature and surface sealing) or hydrological processes (e.g., surface runoff formation, hydraulic conductivity, rates infiltration and evaporation, water conservation, water movement and solute transport). Very recently, information on the effect of rock fragments on soil biomass, agricultural production, the risk of contamination and even the ability to mitigate climate change has been gathered and used in models by soil scientists.
At this point, a revision of knowledge and the state-of-the-art must be carried out. The aim of this session is to bring together researchers from around the world and discuss the current state of the art. This session aims to provide the opportunity exchange of scientific knowledge and to promote the interaction between researchers concerned with the study of the effect of soil rock fragments. Contributions are invited from all basic and applied aspects of soil rock fragments, ranging from preliminary data to the final results of large studies, reviews and model applications.
Conveners hope that this session will be a forum where participants will discuss future plans and develop research programs and projects.