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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Soil mapping perspectives: soil spatial information for land management and decision making
Convener: Paulo Pereira  | Co-Conveners: Antonio Jordán , Lorena M. Zavala , Colin Pain , Vanessa Wong 

Soil properties change in space and time, depending on the geological subtract, climate, topography, aspect, slope, type and density of vegetation cover and land use. This induces a higher complexity on the understanding of soil properties spatial distribution. Independently of the scale of analysis, heterogeneity is a factor always present in soil properties distribution, especially where human activities are more intense. Soil mapping is very important to synthesise the spatial information and facilitate the soil variables spatial interpretation. Spatio-temporal soil mapping include the study of biophysical variables (e.g. soil physical, chemical, biological properties, topography, etc..) and human activities in rural and urban areas, or the interactions between them, currently studied with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or Spatial Statistics. The study of these changes is important to have a clear picture of the landscape diversity and transformation in space and time. For land use managers soil mapping is important because make a resume of complex information in an easy and interpretable way, allowing to make better land use planning, management and spatial distribution of human activities. This information is essential to a better decision making and land use policy. The objective of this session is discuss and exchange information about the soil mapping perspectives and the use of soil spatial information, from biophysical to human activities, and how can it contribute to a better land management and decision making.