NP8.2 Stochastic Parameterisation in Weather and Climate Models |
Convener: Paul Williams | Co-Conveners: Petra Friederichs , Antje Weisheimer |
The representation of subgrid scales by stochastic processes in state-of-the-art General Circulation Models (GCMs) has reached such a level of maturity that stochastic parameterizations are now found in operational NWP models and GCMs. Among candidates for stochastic representation are backscatter of vorticity from unresolved to resolved dynamical scales, subgrid-scale convection, subgrid-scale gravity waves in the ocean and/or atmosphere, and boundary-layer mixing. We invite members of the numerical modeling community who are investigating the implementation of these and other stochastic parameterizations in both global and regional models to share their experiences and results in this session.
Invited speaker: Prof Tim Palmer (University of Oxford)