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Pattern Formation and waves in Geosciences - From Emergence to Dynamics
Convener: Hansjoerg Seybold  | Co-Conveners: Reik Donner , Philippe Fraunie , Vincent Rey , Margarita Diez , Julien Touboul 
 / Mon, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:00
 / Attendance Tue, 29 Apr, 17:30–19:00

The laws of physics are simple, yet what we can see in nature are complex patterns and shapes continuously changing in time. Earth Science offers a vast variety of different forms, ranging from landscape morphologies like dunes, ripples, ice streams and river networks over multiphase flows to bio-geophysical patterns like stromatolites or vegetation patterns.
Often complex non-equilibrium processes lie behind the self
organization of these structures. Understanding these principles is one of the major challenges in Earth Science.
We invite contributions that seek a deeper understanding of
pattern-generating geophysical processes through both experiments or field observations as well as through theoretical modeling or computational simulations.