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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Brokering architecture, services, and applications for multidisciplinary interoperability
Convener: Stefano Nativi  | Co-Conveners: Jay Pearlman , Núria Julià 

Beokering architecture, services and applications implements multi-disciplinary interoperability and lower entry barriers for both Users and Data Providers. According to such an approach, Users and Data Providers are not asked to implement any specific interoperability technology but to continue using their tools and publishing their resources according their standards -as much as possible.

The Brokering approach applies the following principles: (1) Keep the existing capacities as autonomous as possible by interconnecting and mediating standard and non-standard capacities. (2) Supplement but not supplant systems mandates and governance arrangements. (3) Assure a low entry barrier for both resource users and producers. (4) Be flexible enough to accommodate existing and future information systems and information technologies (5) Build incrementally on existing infrastructures (information systems) and incorporate heterogeneous resources by introducing distribution and mediation functionalities to interconnect heterogeneous resources.

Papers will be solicited that describe implementations of the brokering architectural style in which brokering services (mediation, services composition, cascading services, distribution, etc.) facilitate the interconnection of clients and servers without the need for modifications on the part of the owners of those services. This session includes both technical developments and applications.