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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Cascading and Concurrent Natural Hazards: case studies, models, and building resilience
Convener: Bruce D. Malamud  | Co-Convener: Peter Sammonds 

This session will examine case studies, models and building resilience for cascading and concurrent natural hazards. Multi-hazard risk assessments for a given region have commonly been restricted to qualitative and semi-quantitative approaches, in which risks across individual hazards are summed together to give the resultant multi-hazard risk. However, relationships between hazards may not sum linearly and may have cumulative and non-linear effects. Here we solicit case studies and models for cascading hazards (one hazard triggers a chain of hazards, e.g. earthquake → landslide → flood) and concurrent natural hazards (two single hazards occurring at the same time as each other, and the resultant risk not summing linearly). One hazard can also increase the probability of another hazard occurring. Finally, we encourage submissions that examine how we build resilience for cascading and concurrent natural hazards. We foresee both a lively oral and poster session, along with an opportunity for brief oral overviews of the poster sessions paired with discussion, and thus encourage both types of submissions.