GMPV5.9 Gas, melt and pyroclasts: from volatile exsolution to multiphase flow in volcanic eruptions |
Convener: Mattia de’ Michieli Vitturi | Co-Conveners: Tomaso Esposti Ongaro , Felix W. von Aulock , Kelly Russell , Jörn Lothar Sesterhenn |
The diverse and unpredictable behaviour of eruptions is the result of complex magma dynamics during ascent towards the surface and, in particular, from the non-linear interaction between the different phases (liquid melt, exsolved volatiles, bubbles, solid crystals and pyroclasts) that separate during magma ascent as a result of fluid and thermodynamic processes.
The session aims at gathering experimental and theoretical (including numerical modeling) studies on eruptive processes, from subsurface flows to volcanic jets and plumes. We hereby invite contributions focusing on (but not restricted to) magma degassing and crystallization dynamics, effusive/explosive transition, rheology of gas-liquid-solid mixtures, fragmentation processes, compressible and turbulent gas-particle flows.