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Landforms and Geodiversity: a key issue for present and future studies
Convener: Zbigniew Zwoliński  | Co-Conveners: Marco Giardino , Alicja Najwer , Emmanuel Reynard 

Last year’s EGU sessions saw many opportunities to develop geodiversity in Earth System Science.
The evolution of the geodiversity concept over the last 20 years is a good predictor for further development of research in geomorphology. As it is important that geomorphology participates in innovative approaches in modern science, we as geomorphologists should use this chance and establish (introduce) landform dimensions in geodiversity.

The basic goals of the session are to develop:
a) the role of landforms in the concept of geodiversity,
b) methods for geodiversity studies in geomorphology,
c) standards for assessing landform significance from the geodiversity point of view,
d) linkages between geodiversity and new trends of research in Earth System Science: geoarcheology, geotourism and geoheritage,
e) the role of GIS in the development of research on geodiversity.

We invite oral contributions and posters with new insights in the geodiversity of landforms in different types of relief, from lowland to mountain environments. All geographical scales are considered, from the local to the global scale. Of interest are contributions investigating theoretical aspects of geodiversity, with emphasis on landforms, including conceptual and computational problems, as well as applied contributions with examples from different morphogenetic domains and specific landforms characteristics. Analytical and synthetic approaches of an integrated assessment of landforms and geodiversity by means and methods of geoinformation (GIS) are expected. Emphasis will be on modern (new) tools and original viewpoints. A selection of the studies presented will be considered for publication in a special issue of a relevant international journal.

The session is co-organized by the International Association of Geomorphologists' Working Group on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity and the EGU 2015 session “Geoheritage, Geodiversity and Cultural Landscapes: key issues for present and future times”.