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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Magma mixing: a tool for the understanding of reservoirs dynamics and timescale of magmatic processes
Convener: Mickael Laumonier  | Co-Convener: Diego Perugini 

Magma mixing features are widely observed in rocks from both plutonic and volcanic environments. They record the interaction between physically and chemically contrasted magmas, and thus several related magmatic processes.

In this session, we would like to gather contributions related to field observations, experimental and numerical studies on magma mixing and mingling, from crystal rim to reservoir scales. This session aims at improving our knowledge of the dynamics of reservoirs and timescale of magmatic processes through magma mixing addressing the following issues:
- natural occurrence of magma mixing
- development of mixing and mingling features
- hybrid formation
- distribution/quantification of the strain in reservoirs
- reservoir remobilisation
- timescale of pluton formation and formation of the continental crust
- cause/consequence relationship between magma mixing and volcanic eruption triggering