TS3.2 Understanding landscape evolution through integration of multiple approaches (co-organized) |
Convener: David Fernández-Blanco | Co-Convener: Christoph von Hagke |
Earth is a dynamic system involving complex feedbacks and interactions among a wide range of physical, chemical and biological processes operating at different temporal and spatial scales. Integration of different, seemingly unconnected, fields of research may provide unforeseen insights into landscape dynamics. For instance, the interaction between erosion and surface uplift cannot yet fully describe the mechanisms behind landscape evolution, due to insufficient complementary information concerning climate dynamics and land biological use. Similarly, the response of terrestrial landscapes to environmental factors will be better understood once the feedback mechanisms of global changes, such as sea level fluctuations, are also taken into account.
In this session, we welcome contributions that use broad, multidisciplinary approaches to understanding landscape dynamics on all scales, as well as relationships among its components. We welcome data-based, as well as modeling studies, dealing with the development of new, interdisciplinary approaches encompassing tectonic, geophysical, geodynamic, biologic or sedimentological processes, aiming at better understanding of landscapes. We also encourage contributions on the exploration of interactions and the investigation of unforeseen links within the Earth System, as well as the use of varying datasets from different fields of geoscience research.