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Modelling Physical Volcanic Hazards
Convener: Antonio Costa  | Co-Conveners: Simona Scollo , Arnau Folch 

Volcanic hazards may have destructive effects on economy, transport and natural environments at both local and regional scale. Hazardous phenomena include debris flows and avalanches, lahars, pyroclastic density currents, tephra fall, gas emissions, and lava flows. Many volcanic processes are complex and highly non-linear such that even minor changes in their physical properties can significantly influence their potential impact. Such attributes present significant challenges to physical modelling of volcanic eruptive events. Recent progress with laboratory experiments and numerical models has offered noteworthy insights into the fundamental characteristics of volcanic hazards. These advancements allow for better understanding and more realistic model quantification of the impact of a potential hazardous event. We invite contributions related to field, experimental, theoretical, probabilistic and numerical studies of volcanic hazards in order to highlight new approaches, methodologies and results.