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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Land, ocean and near surface magnetic measurements at the time of Swarm satellite mission (co-organized)
Convener: Ramon Egli  | Co-Conveners: Barbara Leichter , Peter Kovacs 

Satellite measurements such as those provided by the present ESA Swarm mission provide measurements of the geomagnetic field with unprecedented spatial resolution and homogeneous coverage, which are not available from Earth’s surface data. On the other hand, downward continuation of satellite data is affected by external magnetic field sources in the ionosphere. Within this context, land, ocean and near surface measurements are an essential complement of satellite data. With this session, we invite contributions dealing with experimental and theoretical aspects of ground and near surface observations, as well as their integration with satellite data. Contributions dealing with long-term plans for the extension/optimization of this “ground segment” of geomagnetic observations are particularly welcomed.