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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Hydrological forecasts and predictions: communication and decision-making
Convener: Jan Verkade  | Co-Convener: Liz Stephens 

This session aims to contribute to a better use of hydrological forecasts, predictions, scenarios, outlooks and foresights. Contributors will share examples of successful decision-making, effective communication, lessons learned and remaining key challenges. We invite contributions from scientists, operational forecasters, and decision-makers (civil protection agencies, government agencies, professional responders and policy makers). Presentations will demonstrate examples of the successes (and failures) of communication and decision-making in different contexts; from short-term forecasting to longer term management including analyses of climatic change.
We particularly welcome contributions related to decision-making under uncertainty and/or where data are sparse. These could be from applications as diverse as emergency response to floods, water resources management (including hydropower production and water supply), assessment of hydrometeorological extremes and planning for environmental change. Fitting examples from other areas of earth science are equally welcome.