ESSI2.8 Quality-checked Software as a safe investment in Science: Lessons from Open Source communities |
Convener: Peter Löwe | Co-Conveners: Massimiliano Cannata , Raffaele Albano |
Software development in community-driven global communities such as OSGeo, R and others has evolved in a symbiotic relationship with Science. Scientists benefit from software functionality developed by their community-peers and can publish their code-contributions likewise. This based on trust in mutual standards including software quality, licensing and documentation within each global community. The paradigm shift towards Open Science is a driver to adopt or extend such best practices for the use within the Earth Sciences.
Further, while well established best practices exist within each software community, there is a lack of inter-comparability on a higher level which poses a challenge towards Science and the software communities.
This session allows scientists to communicate their current experiences and roads to the future for the interface between scientific research and community-based software development.