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Open access and peer review: is the current system really satisfactory? (public)
Convener: Julien Farlin 

Recent calls for boycott of certain private publishers in protest over business practices deemed incompatible with the custom of sharing and exchanging scientific results has contributed to shift lines towards open access publication run by public institutions, science unions and non-profit organisations. One can however question whether this is enough to promote a healthy, vigorous and efficient evaluation and transmission process, or indeed protect science from being controlled by particular individuals or interest groups . The current publication and peer review system in particular, with its hierarchical organisation around an editor and a couple of reviewers has not really been questioned further, although it itself suffers from a number of drawbacks. The aim of the discussion is to allow the participants to share their experience with different types and levels of open access publishing, and to discuss ways to implement a system of public open space that allows scientists to truly take part to the scientific discussion of their community alternatively as researcher, referee and editor.