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Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfires: models, theory, and reality (co-organized)
Convener: Mário Pereira  | Co-Conveners: Ricardo Trigo , Marj Tonini , Nikos Koutsias 
 / Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / 13:30–15:00
 / Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Wildfires are the result of a large variety of interacting natural and anthropogenic components, which produce patterns that vary significantly both in space and in time.

In this context, this session will examine models, theory, empirical studies, new and innovative technologies for wildfire research as well as the relation between atmospheric circulation and wildfires.

Research topics include, but are not limited to:
• fire detection and monitoring, including remote sensing and innovative technologies for wildfire detection
• fire spread models, ranging from case studies to long-term climatological assessments
• pre-fire planning and risk management
• post-fire assessment: burned area mapping, fire severity and damage (vegetation composition, decrease in forests, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation, alteration of landscape patterns and ecosystem functioning)
• post-fire vegetation recovery, including time series satellite data and vegetation phenology
• influence of weather and climate/climate change on wildfire activity
• fire impacts on the environment, in particular on the atmosphere and human health
• relation between wildfires and social and economic changes

The conference will bring together wildfire hazard managers, researchers, and theoreticians.

Both Oral and Poster presentations are very much encouraged, as we plan to have both lively oral and poster sessions.