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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Research for Ocean Sustainability – a Knowledge-Action Network of Future Earth and partners
Convener: Thorsten Kiefer  | Co-Conveners: Martin Le Tissier , Wendy Broadgate 

Our interaction with the planet is full of complex problems related to the health of the ocean, its functions in the Earth system and the services it provides for humanity. Challenges include the sustainable use of marine resources, the impacts of trade and economics on ecosystems, impacts and synergies of multiple stresses from global change, the effects of pollution on ocean (eco)systems, vulnerability to ocean disasters, among others.

Future Earth, including its Global Research Projects, and together with partner organisations such as WCRP, UNESCO-IOC, and ICSU-SCOR, is leading the development of a global Knowledge-Action Network on Oceans for integrative research towards understanding pressing ocean issues and researching solutions.

We invite all with a passion for the ocean from a wide range of disciplines and sectors in academia and practice, to learn more at this Townhall Session, e.g. about latest research ideas, funding opportunities, upcoming plans, and how to get involved.