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Earthquakes and segmentations along the Himalaya (co-organized)
Convener: Laurent Bollinger  | Co-Conveners: Rodolphe Cattin , György Hetényi 
 / Thu, 12 Apr, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Fri, 13 Apr, 17:30–19:00

The M7.8, 2015-Gorkha-Nepal earthquake is the latest of a long series of devastating large and great earthquakes documented along the Himalaya. Less than three years after its occurrence the geophysical, geological and seismological records accumulated on this earthquake and its aftershocks make it the best studied of all Himalayan earthquakes.

The new data, observations and interpretations achieved in Central Nepal since 2015 are complemented by recent or ongoing surveys covering the whole Himalayan front. These recent studies contribute a lot to reshaping our knowledge of the earthquakes that affected and will affect the Himalayan range and its vicinity, as well as to understand what kind of segmentations exist along the arc.

This session aims at covering several complementary aspects of the seismicity along the Himalayas: from the paleo-seismological signature of the largest earthquakes to the behavior of the interseismic and postseismic activity; from the generation of the seismic sources to their relations with the local geological structures; with a special interest for the segmentation of structures and ruptured areas along the Himalayan megathrust system.