Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Interactions between the Space, Sun and the Earth System
Convener: Mauro Messerotti  | Co-Conveners: Radan Huth , Ulrike Langematz 

The aim of this session is to provide a framework for reviewing the state of the art on solar and extra-terrestrial variability and their role in the Earth system dynamic and climate changes. It is an interdisciplinary session that welcomes all contributions on understanding, monitoring and simulating the processes behind as well as the direct and indirect interactions between solar activity, wind and irradiance, galactic activities (such as cosmic rays and other high energy particle precipitation) and the various components of the Earth system: the atmosphere, oceans and the climate over all time-scales from short to extra long. Induced interactions between subcomponents of the Earth system (e.g. between the upper and lower atmosphere) and their implications for surface weather and climate are also within the focus of the session. Papers on similar interactions on other planets are also welcome.

Papers on operational aspects, such as coupling of these sun-space and atmospheric interactions for lower atmospheric weather dynamics, climate projections and space weather forecasting are also welcome.

This session is also sponsored by the COST ES-1005 Action «Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on the Earth's climate» and encourages all contributions leading to understanding of natural forcing of Climate change.