
Challenges in High Resolution Short Range NWP at European level including forecaster-developer cooperation
Convener: Balázs Szintai  | Co-Conveners: Chiara Marsigli , Emily Gleeson 
 / Wed, 05 Sep, 16:30–18:30  / Room E II
 / Attendance Thu, 06 Sep, 09:30–10:30  / Display Wed, 05 Sep, 13:30–Fri, 07 Sep, 13:30  / Poster area

The session will handle various aspects of scientific and operational collaboration related to limited area numerical weather prediction models. It will be assessed how limited area NWP consortia in Europe can work together and which are the common challenges in developing high resolution mesoscale models even at the sub-kilometre scale. The session will also discuss the collaboration between NWP developer and user (especially forecaster) communities and the best practices of the communication between these groups.

More specifically, part of the presentations will cover past and future activities related to the C-SRNWP Programme of EUMETNET and associated other Programmes, like:
* Observation impact studies performed in order to assess the importance of different parts of the observing system for global and limited area NWP models
* Development of the Global Lake Database (currently supported by EUMETNET) and its applications in NWP models
* The SRNWP Surface Data Pool, and its application for the verification of land surface models
* Possible collaboration of developing post-processing systems also for probabilistic predictions at a European level