Exoplanetary magnetic fields and stellar-planetary magnetic interactions: Modelling, detection, characterization
Convener: Maxim Khodachenko  | Co-Convener: Jean-Mathias Grießmeier 
Oral Program
 / Fri, 07 Oct, 13:30–15:00  / Room Vénus Room
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 06 Oct, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

Constantly growing amount of discovered exoplanets and accumulation of data regarding their physical and orbital characteristics provides the material for study of general principles and major trends of planetary evolution. A number of actual questions regarding the evolutionary paths of exoplanetary systems and influencing them key factors is nowadays under continuous tackling. Among these questions a prominent position belongs to the problem of stellar - planetary interactions, including consideration of influences of stellar radiation and plasma flows on planetary environments and evolution of planets. Magnetic fields, those connected
with the planetary intrinsic magnetic dipole, as well as the magnetic fields associated with the electric current systems induced in the planetary close surroundings, play here an important role. Being focused on the specifics of exoplanetary magnetism, the session due to the generality of its subject welcomes participants from the whole circle of stellar and exoplanetary physics, including such topics like stellar activity, observation and characterization of planetary systems,
stellar-planetary relations, planetary evolution, dedicated computational modelling and data analysis. Special emphasis of the session is put on the transfer of experiences gained during the study of magnetospheres and magnetism of the solar system planets to the new field of exoplanets, taking into account the specifics of orbital location of exoplanets, stellar activity etc. Implementation of the theoretical/computational predictions to the observational and detection techniques appears as another key topic of the envisaged discussions during the session.