Outreach National Node Splinter Meeting
Convener: Thierry Fouchet 
Thu, 23 Sep, 15:30–17:00  / Room Workshop Room 2

Europlanet RI now has in place outreach representatives, or national nodes, in 15 participating countries. The nodes are assisting Europlanet’s NA3 Outreach and NA4 Dissemination Activities in building channels of communication between the public, the media, stakeholders and the planetary science community across Europe. This meeting will bring together the nodes to discuss current projects, future strategy and plans for recruiting nodes for the other countries participating in Europlanet RI. Opportunities for node involvement in Europlanet’s proposed briefing session and exhibition in the European Parliament, as well as the joint EPSC-DPS meeting in 2011, will be discussed.

Public information: Europlanet RI now has in place outreach representatives, or national nodes, in 15 participating countries. The nodes are assisting Europlanet’s NA3 Outreach and NA4 Dissemination Activities in building channels of communication between the public, the media, stakeholders and the planetary science community across Europe. This meeting will bring together the nodes to discuss current projects, future strategy and plans for recruiting nodes for the other countries participating in Europlanet RI. Opportunities for node involvement in Europlanet’s proposed briefing session and exhibition in the European Parliament, as well as the joint EPSC-DPS meeting in 2011, will be discussed.