Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


CubeSat Interplanetary and Planetary Exploration mission ideas
Convener: Jean-Pierre Lebreton 

A CubeSat is a nano-satellite that adheres to a standard described in the CubeSat Design Specifications. The standard basic 1U CubeSat is 10x10x10 cm3 and weighs about 1kg. Standard CubeSats can be scaled to 2U (20x10x10 cm3) or 3U (30x10x10 cm3). CubeSats provide a cost-effective means to get a small payload in Earth orbit. Standard CubeSat projects are undertaken by Universities from all over the world as educational space projects. More than 100 CubeSat missions were launched so far or are in development. In early 2012, ESA's maiden flight of the Vega Launcher carried 9 CubeSats in Low Earth orbit. CubeSats are also providing opportunities to test new technologies or new sensors in the space environment. True research projects based on CubeSats are now developing. Ideas to carry out interplanetary technology development and research activities with CubeSat are emerging. Research mission concepts based on a large number of units ( up to 24 or even more) are being proposed.

This session invites talks on ideas based on CubeSats that addresses interplanetary and planetary exploration goals. The concept may be a stand-alone mission or an add-on to a future main mission.

The session will include solicited talks on the CubeSat concept. It will also include contributed papers. You are invited to submit an abstract for an oral talk or a poster presentation that addresses CubeSat interplanetary and planetary exploration mission concepts. Submitted contributions may address any aspect of a CubeSat-based interplanetary or planetary exploration mission, including science goals, technology development and/or demonstration, sensors, education, management, launch, communication.

Solicited talks:

List to be provided