Cubesats: a promising new platform for low-cost planetary and interplanetary missions ?
Convener: Jean-Pierre Lebreton  | Co-Conveners: Julie Castillo , Patricia Beauchamp 
Oral Program
 / Tue, 10 Sep, 11:00–12:30  / Room Venus - Wilkins Gustave Tuck
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 10 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

CubeSat projects are currently being developed as hands-on educational tools in universities and high schools. So far, such educational projects have been targeted to low-Earth orbit missions, either for in situ or Earth observation missions. Beyond educational projects, research institutes are now considering CubeSat (1-10 kg) and MicroSat (10-100 kg) missions for conducting research or new technology demonstration and validation for future space applications. The rapidly growing capability of multi-unit CubeSat platforms opens opportunities for planetary science missions. In this session we will address opportunities and challenges for planetary missions with CubeSat and MicroSat platforms beyond Earth orbit.
This session will include papers that present CubeSat and MicroSat satellite mission concepts beyond Earth orbit and Earth-orbiting mission concepts addressing enabling new technologies, including sensor technology, for a future interplanetary or planetary mission. The session will include both oral and poster papers.