Radiative Transfer Theory & Modeling
Conveners: B. Mayer , A. Marshak 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 06 Aug, 11:30–18:30  / Room Harvard
 / Tue, 07 Aug, 11:00–16:00  / Room Harvard
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 07 Aug, 16:30–18:15  / Display Tue, 07 Aug, 09:00–19:00  / Poster Hall

We invite papers on radiative transfer (RT) theory including one- and three-dimensional RT applications to the atmosphere and surface (vegetation, land and sea ice). We are interested in aspects of solar and infrared radiation and expect papers on methods for identifying errors and limits of various RT methods in climate and remote sensing studies. We strongly encourage papers on the use of RT theory for new and advanced active and passive remote sensing techniques including interpretation of hyperspectral measurements. Papers on modeling of cloud-aerosol interaction involving RT theory are very welcome.