Clouds, convection and the global energy balance
Convenors: Thorsten Mauritsen , Ulrike Lohmann 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 18 Sep, 16:20–17:40  / Room Lecture Hall H1
 / Wed, 19 Sep, 09:00–10:20  / Room Lecture Hall H1
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 19 Sep, 14:00–16:00  / Poster Area

Invited Speaker: Sandrine Bony (IPSL) + Andrew Gettelman (NCAR)

Clouds play a key role in regulating the energy balance of the Earth system by reflecting part of the incoming sunlight and absorbing and re-emitting infrared radiation. The cloud mediated feedbacks associated with changes in the climate state and atmospheric composition are identified as some of the major contributors to uncertainty in climate sensitivity. At the same time, universally representing the wide spectrum of clouds in Earth system models, and understanding the myriad of interactions with the climate system remains an immense challenge.

We invite contributions dealing with, for example the interactions between clouds, climate and the hydrological cycle, climate change feedback mechanisms, and the influences of the atmospheric composition, greenhouse gases and aerosols, on clouds. Studies dealing with the representation of clouds and convection in ESMs are also welcome.