Session programme

Session 1
Convective storm and tornado dynamics
Session 2
Satellite imager studies of convective storms and their environment
Session 3
Satellite sounder studies relevant to the formation of convective storms
Session 4
Storm electrification, lightning, microphysics, and space-based lightning observations
Session 5
Radar and non-satellite remote sensing studies of storms
Session 6
Hail studies
Session 7
Floods, flash floods, and convective storms within extratropical, tropical and hybrid cyclones
Session 8
Nowcasting and forecasting of severe weather and forecaster training
Session 9
Numerical modelling, convection-allowing models, data assimilation, and machine learning
Session 10
Impact of storms on society, impact mitigation, and early warning systems
Session 11
Storm climatologies, risk assessments, and climate change
Session 12
Collection of storm data, historical events, and damage assessments