
Dynamics of microscale processes: nature, experiments and numerical simulations
Convener: Sandra Piazolo  | Co-Conveners: Paul Bons , Mark Jessell 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 22 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 5
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 20 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Halls X/Y

This session aims to bring together researchers that investigate microscale dynamics of polycrystalline material using a combination of several different methods. Such a combination has been made possible by recent advances in experimental, analytical and numerical techniques and offers the possibility to significantly advance our understanding of microscale dynamics.
In this session, we welcome contributions describing, discussing and interpreting different microscale processes, their interaction with each other and their large scale consequence. We are interested in papers based on a variety of approaches and particularly on research utilizing new and innovative combinations of methodological approaches. We look forward to a lively programme that will bring together a broad range of expertise