Meet the expert in hydrology - Round tables among young and established scientists
Convener: Jim Freer 
Wed, 22 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Room SM5

2 round tables discussions with the format of mini-workshop for a selection of young scientists (younger than 35) to meet established, world renowned scientists (see below) on a face to face basis for guidance and/or discussion of specific aspects of their current research. The candidates are expected to submit a case, by writing an abstract describing the issue/problem they wish to discuss. The round table is open to 12 young scientists submitting a case (6 time slots for each table) and 30 young scientists in the audience, again split between tables. The two round tables will separately focus on two themes in hydrology (experts and topics will change each year).

PhD candidates and early career postdoctoral researchers who wish to seek the advice of a high profile scientist in their field. Selection will be determined by this years invited scientists on the relevance of the case problems presented. Special attention will be paid to candidates coming from developing countries.

Each selected candidate discusses his case with the expert along a 15-minutes time-slot. The discussion is open to all the scientists submitting a case and all the scientists sitting in the audience (who must have submitted a case to that topic to be an audience member).

The interested candidates are kindly requested to submit a 200 words abstract of the case they wish to present to Dr. Jim Freer,, by January 31, 2009. The selection of the presented case will be done by preferring problems that lend themselves to the mini-workshop form. Some pre-discussion of the material may be requested from the invited scientists before the event.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 17:30-19:00 in an EGU splinter meeting room to be communicated later.

Free for EGU assembly participants


We are very honoured this year to have 2 former EGS/EGU John Dalton medal winners from 2001 and 2005:

Prof. Keith Beven: Discussion topic: Uncertainty estimation in Environmental Modelling
(Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University and Geocentrum, Uppsala University)

Prof. Andrea Rinaldo - Discussion topic: Transport Processes at basin scales
(Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources, Faculté ENAC, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (CH) (2008-)

Bio sketches are below:

Keith Beven has been at Lancaster University since 1985, and also currently teaches at Uppsala University and EPFL, Lausanne. He has previously work at the Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, and the Universities of Leeds and Virginia. His work as a hydrologist has been recognized with the award of the John Dalton medal of the European Geophysical Society in 2001 and the Horton Award and Fellowship of the American Geophysical Union. He has published over 300 journal papers and is listed by ISI as Highly Cited in the areas of both Ecology/Environment and Engineering. Other international awards include the 2002 Linné Award Lecture at Uppsala University; the 2004 American Geophysical Union Langbein Award Lecture; the Belgium Francqui Foundation Chair at K.U. Leuven in 1999/2000; and the Konung Carl XVI Gustafs Gästprofessor i Miljövetenskap (King of Sweden’s Visiting Professor in Environmental Research) for 2006/2007. He has previously held visiting chair positions at UC Santa Barbara, USA (1996); and EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (1997, 2002 and 2008). He is sole author of a text on Rainfall-Runoff Modelling (Wiley, 2001, with paperback edition in 2003) that has recently been translated into Chinese. A text on Environmental Modelling: An Uncertain Future? was published by Routledge in July, 2008. He was invited to prepare the first in a series of books of Benchmark Papers (with commentary) for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (2006) and has published five other edited books. He is an Associate Editor for Hydrological Processes, and on the editorial board of Advances in Water Resources and J. Forecasting.

Andrea Rinaldo
Professor Andrea Rinaldo is an eminent researcher who made outstanding contributions to the science of hydrology. Andrea has covered an exceptionally wide range of research topics within hydrology and Earth's system science, such as transport processes in the hydrologic cycle, fluvial geomorphology, tidal geomorphology and dynamics and eco-geomorphological studies in coastal and marine systems. His research achievements in all these fields are outstanding. His path-breaking work in the areas of transport of solutes in porous formations and of hydrogeomorphology may best serve to illustrate his exceptional contributions to hydrology. In the first area Andrea, with students and collaborators, has provided original theoretical formulations, solutions and high accuracy numerical studies of the stochastic transport equation which are now a reference in the field. He has published more than 150 refereed publications out of ~ 250 total. See also Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. & A. RINALDO, Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-Organization, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997.