Application of Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) in elemental and isotope geoanalysis
Convener: Isaac B. Brenner 
Thu, 23 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room SM6

Recent developments in Inductively Coupled Plasma using Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) has opened new opportunities and vistas in geochemical and environmental research. Major breakthroughs include measurement of ultra trace element concentrations below the ppb-ppq, accurate determination of isotopic ratios at precisions of 10 ppm or better, precise isotopic ratio measurements using multicollectors and isotopic and trace element abundance measurements at the nanometer scale with in-situ laser ablation sampling techniques. Precision and accuracy of trace element abundance measurements have greatly improved by development of sample preparation strategies and by application of isotope dilution, especially in GC and LC coupled speciation studies. This short course will highlight the status of multielement analysis using collision-reaction cells, the impact of high resolution magnetic sector spectrometers and critically compare Multicollectors vs. TIMS.
Indeed these new instrumental developments have broadened the scope of geo and environmental chemistry and expanded our understanding of primary and secondary geological processes specifically in biogeochemistry, hydrology, marine and continental sedimentary cycles. Several keystone applications will be cited such as the application of unique marker elements such as the REEs and boron isotope ratios in chronology, petrogenesis, and hydrogeology. Especially for deciphering patterns of surface and groundwater transport, water/rock interactions and source regions.