
Landslides, ground-failures and mass movements induced by earthquakes and volcanic activity (co-organized)
Convener: Vincenzo Del Gaudio  | Co-Conveners: Janusz Wasowski , Randall W. Jibson 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 22 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 18
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 22 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

Earthquake shaking commonly triggers multiple hazards including landslides and other ground failures (e.g. liquefaction, subsidence, surface faulting). Recent events like the M-7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake of May 2008, show that the death toll and distruction from seismically-induced landslides can be extremely high. Similarly, volcanic earthquakes, and volcanic activity in general, commonly trigger damaging mass movements. Multiple hazards resulting from these different destabilizing forces are often treated separately, even though an integrated approach to the problem is clearly desirable. The purpose of this symposium is to provide a forum for discussion among researchers and other professionals involved in studies of landslides, ground failures, and related hazards caused by seismic and volcanic activity and to encourage multidisciplinary research in these fields. Among different possible topics, we would like to address the following: a) case histories of landslides triggered earthquakes, analysed both on local and regional scale, with special attention to the most recent cases like that of the Wenchuan earthquake (few authors have already confirmed to deliver papers on slope failures caused by this event); b) case histories of mass movements induced by volcanic activity; c) assessments of landslide and other ground-failure hazards in relation to deterministic earthquake and volcanic event scenarios or to regional probabilistic evaluations, as well as applying GIS techniques; d) studies regarding physical modelling of the influence of dynamic loading on slope stability and of seismically/volcanically induced landslide displacements; e) user requirements regarding hazard assessment and persisting challenges; (f) possible site effects such as amplification and influence of pre-existing landslide masses; and (g) possible regional differences in the factors associated with landslide occurrence.