Large Scale Array Networks Instrumentation and Data Infrastructure
Convener: Domenico Giardini  | Co-Convener: Josep Gallart 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 23 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 16

Europe is moving towards a long-term integrated strategic research infrastructure program to promote innovative approaches for a better understanding of the physical processes controlling earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis as well as those driving tectonics and Earth surface dynamics. During the last decade a large effort has been dedicated to increase the resolution of geophysical data acquisition in order to look deep into the Earth with the objective of understanding these topics. This session is dedicated to bring us up to date and discuss the current state, and new efforts on the deployment, coordination and integration between old and new arrays of instrumentation and programs for networking and establishing an European scale distributed, but coherent, research facility.