Perspectives in Global Air Quality and Climate Change Science Education
Convener: Evi Schuepbach  | Co-Convener: Michela Maione 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 9

The process of disseminating knowledge on air quality and climate change science is undergoing rapid and significant change. The increasing interest of the educated society in the 21st century to understanding how the atmosphere and climate change work and interact creates new challenges for the scientists. Being a new instrument of the European Commission, the Network of Excellence in Atmospheric Composition Change (ACCENT; www.accent-network.org) seeks to meet these challenges in its "Training and Education" (T&E) Task. As ACCENT enters its final phase, T&E invites partners and associated partners of the ACCENT network, and the larger atmospheric science and educational community, to present new insights into air quality and climate change education. The emphasis of the Session is on educating the next generation (pupils / schools, early career scientists), promoting diversity (e.g., instruments for gender mainstreaming), and dissemination to specific target groups (e.g., emerging countries). In order to foster international collaboration in the field, results and projects from around the globe are welcomed. Funding is available for poster presentations in gender mainstreaming. ACCENT T&E aims at editing a special journal issue on the Session.