
Dynamical Meteorology (General Session)
Convener: Cornelia Schwierz  | Co-Convener: Suzanne L. Gray 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 22 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 10
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

This sessions invites contributions on all aspects of dynamical meteorology. Particular sub-topics are the dynamics and predictability of mid-latitude, tropical and polar weather systems, dynamical processes at and transport across the extratropical tropopause, orographic flow and theoretical/idealized studies on meteorological phenomena. Particularly welcome are papers related to THORPEX activities on predictability and dynamical processes, dynamical studies relevant for the International Polar Year and results from recent meteorological field campaigns.

Solicited Speakers

Huw C. Davies, ETH Zurich
"THORPEX and extra-tropical dynamics: Some core issues."

Evelyne Richard, Laboratoire d'Aerologie CNRS, Toulouse
"Influence of the upper-level dynamics on the predictability of Mediterranean cyclones and implications for the HYMEX project"