The Implementation of International Geospatial Standards for Earth and Space Sciences
Stefano Nativi ,
George Percivall
Wed, 22 Apr, 10:30–13:30
/ Room SM6
The Earth and space sciences are rapidly implementing international open standards for discovery, access and processing of geospatial information. These standards provide for interoperability well tuned to the the Earth and space sciences, because the standards were developed by members of the same community and are now being refined as best practices. This session will show some of the latest advances in implementing open standards for access to sensor data, processing of the data suitable for a specific decision or research context, and presentation of the information to the various communities ranging from researchers, policy makers and general public. Discussion by the session participants will result in additional feedback to the standards bodies (OGC, ISO, etc.) to further advance the standards applicability to Earth and space sciences.
10:30 Introduction to the session (Stefano Nativi)
10:40 Overview of OGC standards (George Percivall)
11:00 Geological applications using geospatial standards (John Laxton, British Geological Survey and OneGeology)
11:20 Hydrologic applications using geospatial standards (David Maidment Univ. Texas and Ilya Zaslavsky, SDSC)
11:40 Land Monitoring Network Services based on International Geospatial Standards: geoland2/SDI and SOSI Projects (G. Triebnig, S. Meissl, EOX IT Services GmbH, Vienna, Austria)
12:00 Biodiversity applications using geospatial standards (TBD)
12:20 Ocean applications using geospatial standards (Dick M.A. Schaap MARIS and SeaDataNet)
12:40 Met-Ocean applications using geospatial standards (Jon Blower, Reading e-Science Centre)
13:00 Powered by standards – new data tools for the climate sciences” (Andrew Woolf, STFC UK)
13:20 Closing Discussion (Moderators: George Percivall and Stefano Nativi)
13:30 Close