MEGAPOLI-CityZen joint meeting
Conveners: Michael Gauss , Alexander Baklanov 
Tue, 21 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room SM6

This will be the first joint meeting of the MEGAPOLI and CityZen projects. All MEGAPOLI and CityZen participants and collaborators who are present at the EGU General Assembly are welcome to join this session.

Ways of collaboration between the two projects will be identified and preliminary plans towards common studies will be discussed (emissions, measurements, modeling, common formats, etc.). Participants are kindly invited to present their suggestions.

We plan to have both short presentations and informal discussions on the meeting.

2 min: welcome, what's the meeting about, suggested agenda (M. Gauss and A. Baklanov)
5-10 min : short overview of MEGAPOLI (A. Baklanov)
5-10 min : short overview of CityZen (M. Gauss)
5 min : overview of identified ways of collaboration (coordinators of MEGAPOLI and CityZen)

- IGAC report, discussion (M. Lawrence)
- report on ongoing collaboration (e.g. Po Valley groups)
- common model studies, etc. (all participants)
- presentations and/or questions from external collaborators (e.g. Luisa Molina, Natalia Shartova, ..)
- questions from the participants
- action items for next few months

Detailed information about the MEGAPOLI and CityZen projects can be found on their respective web sites:

Areas for collaboration have been identified by the coordinators, for more information see https://wiki.met.no/_media/cityzen/summary07jan2009_v19jan2009.pdf?id=cityzen%3Ameetings&cache=cache

As a first joint effort we would like to highlight the "IGAC Assessment on Impacts of Megacities on Air Quality and Climate: Outline and Activities". Chapter 7 about "Past and Current Research Activities on Atmospheric Chemistry in Megacities - Europe" is coordinated by Mark Lawrence (MEGAPOLI) and Michael Gauss (CityZen).

The chapter will be divided into the following sections:
(1)Objectives of each research activity
(2)Emission inventory used
(3)Observation data base
(4)Model development: diagnostic, analysis, forecast
(5)Lessons learned from the past experiments
(6)Summary of the regions: Local/regional/global for the emissions/model sections and intensive measurements/long term measurements for the observation data base

Both MEGAPOLI and CityZen partners are invited to contribute text and figures to this chapter. Until now, volunteers are Maria Kanakidou (CityZen) and Alexander Baklanov and Spyros Pandis (MEGAPOLI). A first draft has to be ready shortly after the EGU assembly.